How Often Should You Get a Contact Lens Prescription Renewed?

Contact lenses are primarily used to correct refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. The benefits of contact lenses extend beyond vision correction. However, they require meticulous care and regular check-ups.


The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Contact Lens Wearers


While contact lenses offer numerous benefits, it's essential not to overlook the importance of regular eye exams. Regular eye exams help detect these changes early and allow for timely updates to the prescription if needed.


Eye exams for contact lens wearers often involve more than just testing your visual acuity. They can also include checking the overall health of your eyes, ensuring the lenses fit correctly, and assessing your eyes' response to contact lens wear.


Regular eye exams are also crucial for identifying other potential eye health issues unrelated to your refractive errors and vision correction needs. These could include conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts. Early detection of such diseases can significantly improve treatment outcomes and prevent vision loss.


How Often Should You Renew Your Contact Lens Prescription?


How often you should renew your contact lens prescription depends on several factors, including your age, eye health, and the type of contact lens you wear. As a general rule, eye care professionals recommend an annual eye exam.


However, those with certain conditions may need to have their eyes checked more frequently. For instance, people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of eye diseases may need more frequent exams. Similarly, if you're using specialty lenses, like toric lenses for astigmatism or multifocal lenses for presbyopia, you may need more frequent check-ups to ensure they're fitting properly and providing optimal vision correction.


Signs You Need an Eye Exam and Prescription Renewal


There are several signs that you may need an eye exam and prescription renewal. If you're straining to read text that was once clear or finding it difficult to see objects at a distance, it's time to schedule an eye exam.


Other signs can include frequent headaches, eye fatigue, dry or watery eyes, and increased sensitivity to light. These symptoms could indicate that your current prescription is no longer adequate for your vision needs.


Additionally, if you experience discomfort with your contact lenses, such as itching, burning, or a gritty feeling, it may be due to an improper lens fit. Regular eye exams can ensure that your lenses fit correctly and comfortably.


Ensuring Clear, Comfortable and Healthy Vision


As a contact lens wearer, it's crucial to understand the importance of regular eye exams and prescription updates. Your eyes are precious, and taking care of them should be a priority. By scheduling regular eye exams, you can ensure your contact lenses are providing the correct vision correction, and also catch any potential eye health issues early on.


If you notice any changes in your vision or discomfort with your contact lenses, don't wait for your yearly appointment, schedule an eye exam today. Visit Toluca Lake Optometric Center at our office in Burbank, California. Call (818) 841-1212 to book an appointment today.